Priest River, Idaho, is a captivatingly quaint city nestled in the northern panhandle of Idaho, encapsulated by the magical beauty of the Selkirk and Cabinet mountains. Renowned for its outdoor recreational opportunities, Priest River is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, offering immersive experiences in fishing, hunting, hiking, and boating. This inviting town seamlessly meshes the serenity of pristine wilderness with the charm of small-town life and its notoriously friendly populace. Coupled with its rich logging history and sweeping scenic views of the West Branch of the Priest River, this city is a unique blend of calming tranquility and vibrant rural culture, making it a must-visit jewel in the Gem State.
Automotive Specialties Auto Sales is Priest River's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 8815 N Division St., Spokane, WA 99218.